Physical Therapists & Assistants
Occupational Therapists & Assistants
Athletic Trainers
Continuing Ed Approved for The Following:
Physical Therapists & Assistants
Occupational Therapists & Assistants
Athletic TrainersDivider
Massage Therapists
Click To See Approvals
Also Recommended For:
Physician Assistants
Sport Coaches
Personal Trainers
DIY Pain Relief For:
General Public
Con Ed Approved For:
Physical Therapists & Assistants
Occupational Therapists & Assistants
Athletic Trainers
Massage Therapists
Click To See Approvals
Also Recommended For:
Physician Assistants
Sport Coaches
Personal Trainers
DIY Pain Relief For:
General Public
(Save 50%) TMR Levels 1-3
Live Online Or Home Study Or Mix & Match
16 credit hours each
16 credit hours.
TMR Levels 4-6
Home Study Only
16 credit hours each
16 credit hours.
(Save 50%) TMR Levels 1-3
Live Online Or Home Study Or Mix & Match
16 credit hours each
Weekly Master Mind
Everything In TMR All 3 Seminar Level 1-3 Package Plus...
A Weekly 1 Hour Online Master Mind Office Hour Session For 1 Year at 12 pm (Eastern Time) on Wednesdays
This training is the deepest dive into TMR for those wanting to be the ultimate expert in it.
In depth TMR training those from other seminars are not taught.
Live Online Treatment Sessions By Tom
Ongoing Demo's & Skill Enhancement To Make Sure You Are Applying TMR Correctly & The Most Efficiently Possible
TMR Levels 4-6
Home Study Only
16 credit hours each
Live Online Counts As Live For Every Profession Except For Massage Therapists (counts as live online for them). Massage Therapists cannot get home study credit per their board.
March 16-17
April 13-14
May 18-19
June 22-23
July 13-14
August 17-18
September 21-22
October 12-13
November 9-10
December 7-8
March 16-17
April 13-14
May 18-19
June 22-23
July 13-14
August 17-18
September 21-22
October 12-13
November 9-10
December 7-8
March 16-17
April 13-14
May 18-19
June 22-23
July 13-14
August 17-18
September 21-22
October 12-13
November 9-10
December 7-8
Learn why TMR is one of the top 3 seminars you need to take as a clinician.
In a nutshell, it shows you how any part of the body can fix the injured area... often immediately.
If you don't know how to fix a right shoulder with a left leg... then you are missing a HUGE part of what should be in your toolbox... and you don't even know it.
This seminar covers the 5 core concepts overlying all techniques, the 7 steps that can make patients amazing at treating themselves, and a systematic way to show you on yourself how effective using good motions of the body instead of the injured area is.
This is a career changing class that will revolutionizes any technique you currently use as well as give you a free standing technique.
15 Lessons - 16 credit hours
Just when you didn't think it could get any better than level 1.. it is now time to show you all 7 body positions of the entire human developmental sequence & when to use each to expedite healing.
If I was your boss, and said on Tuesday you had to treat all patients in sidelying to get them better, if that would be diffiicult to do and get great results then you again are missing another HUGE part of what should be in your toolbox.
From infant to seniors, to any setting of rehab, and finishing off with plyometrics and how to make someone ambidextrous.
Be sure if you took Level 1 that you at least take Level 2 - they go together like Peanut Butter & Jelly. You don't want to have one without the other.
8 Lessons - 16 credit hours
In this level we dive deep and show you movements you can do to get rid of some of the most complex issues.
From showing you 360 degrees of solutions in each joint, to the ease of getting rid of trigger points, knowing when to use static positions or holds versus dynamic motion, discover what to do with that patient who is so severe surgery appears to be their only options all the way to knowing what to do when a doctor or co-worker questions the efficacy of what you are doing.
This seminar creates a level of confidence and certainty within the clinician so one can deliver it to even the most skeptical person or the most complex of conditions.
8 Lessons - 16 credit hours
These seminars show you how to TMR other techniques & conditions.
7 times results on your current techniques even if you're already an expert