Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Occupational Therapists & Massage Therapists Check This Out: 

The Stack ~ What You Are Getting At This Cheap Price


A few minutes from now you may experience the "magic" of... 

Using what we call the yummy motions of the body... 

To get immediate results on the injured areas.

Like Jen, who sprained an ankle just hours before this video

Or liz, a physical therapist, who had a weird eye issue after an auto accident

Or Jeff, a spine surgeon, who had severe restriction & pain with flexion & extension

Hi, my name is tom dalonzo-baker

They call me the TMR Guy.

Before I tell you about the Total Motion Release (TMR) "Get 50% Better Now" Training...

I'd like to tell you a story.  About how I "failed" at helping a patient...

And how that failure forced me to try  something radically different to get a result.

About 20 years ago, a 68 year old lady came in to my clinic in Raleigh, NC...

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was the spring of 2002.

I had been struggling with helping this lady who wanted to be able to dance at her ONLY daughters wedding. And it was less than 2 weeks away. 

She was a mess!

She had severe back pain. She couldn't reach down to touch her knees or extend backwards more than a few inches. She had 3 vertebra that where rotated and tender to palpation; couldn't raise her left arm beyond shoulder height; couldn't get out of the chair without pushing off the arm rests and hadn't taken a step up a stair leading with her right foot in 3 years.

Sure she was improving... but not much or enough to enjoy the Big Day.   

After trying countless techniques like...

--> Mckenzie extension & lateral shift exercises

--> Manipulation to her spine

--> Counterstrain

--> Mulligan Snags & Nags

--> Myofascial Release

--> Mobilizations

I needed to figure out what was going to work for this lady.

So, as I lay in bed late one night...

Losing sleep over how to help her

And an idea hit me like a ton of bricks,

"Move Into What Works To Fix What Doesn't Work."

But why wasn't anyone else doing this as a regular routine?

It made sense to me.  

Do what the body liked to do, instead of what it didn't like to do. 

I ran downstairs and flipped on the light to my basement studio where I liked to work out.

For years I had left SI (low back) & left shoulder issues.  Significantly restricted for at least 10 years. I was the perfect candidate to test this on. 

I began testing myself left side versus right side. 

I was looking for where I was out of symmetry.

I tested my neck, arms, trunk, hips & legs. 

I tested in standing, sitting, kneeling, on all 4's, on my belly, back and in side lying.  

Instead of going into what didn't work... I exercised only into the directions my body liked and I tracked what this did to my motions that were painful and restricted.

The crazy thing was my good leg motions fixed my shoulder issues and good arm motions changed my SI issue.  What???

By the time I stopped it was almost 2 am.

I was exhausted yet my body felt more flexible and stronger than it ever had and I couldn't find any pain or restriction in my left shoulder & SI joint.

I told myself, this wouldn't mean anything unless it lasted for me & I could use it to help this lady.

When I woke up a few hours later and checked, what were the bad motions, I still felt awesome.

I couldn't wait to get to the clinic because this lady was the first one on my schedule. 

I was all smiles when I walked in.  

I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for this lady and I wanted to see if just one exercise could change all her symptoms. And if not one, then how few did I need to use to make a change.

I put a 8 inch wooden step next to one of my walls in my office and asked her to test going up left side versus right side.  

Going up the step, leading with the left leg was easy. Doing the same on the right was impossible. 

She just couldn't place weight on it and swing her left leg up.  
I said... "do you trust me?"

She was a sweet lady and gave me a little smile and said sure.  

I had her do 3 sets of 15 reps on the good left leg.  

When she finished I asked her to retest her right leg step up.  

When she did she went up the step so fast she hit the wall I had put the step in front of.

We both laughed and she said what was that?

I told her I was calling it Total Motion Release (TMR).

What was cool is I had her retest her back flexion and she could touch her ankles. She bent back without pain. Her left arm was able to raise up to her ear and she could now get out of her chair without pushing off the arm rest.  I sent her home with just that one exercise. To my delight she came back 3 days later feeling better than she had in years.

I used TMR the rest of the day. 

A lady who was wearing a boot had severe plantar fasciitis for the past 3 months and had just ended 3 weeks of therapy with a friend of mine who was the premiere plantar fasciitis therapists in our area. We tested motions in her whole body. The biggest restriction was in her left shoulder. We exercised for 6 sets to the good direction of motion in her right shoulder and she took the boot off and walked without pain.   

The coolest one that day was an anterior disc derangement (bulge) that came in leaning way back.  This type of disc problem only a few therapists see this in their career. It is rare. It was a Monday and she was headed for surgery on Friday.  Just testing her body left side versus right side and treating into 2 good sided motions we got her 90% and she cancelled her surgery.  

By the end of the day I had done this on a total of 9 patients and was starting to observe cool patterns.

Total Motion Release (TMR) was born. 

I've spent almost 20 years perfecting the Total Motion Release formula for myself, my patients and my students...

  • How to find that one exercise that will "wow" the patient on the 1st visit 
  • How to get patients to willingly complete their entire plan of care
  • ​How to use it effectively in all setting of rehab for stellar results 
  • How to overcome the most common objections by patients
  • ​How to prove the results last long term, and most importantly
  • ​How to condense all of this into 7 simple steps so patients could use this information to fix themselves




A 90-minute deep dive on how to use the easy motions of the body and the non-injured areas of the body for immediate results.

Whether you have been out 30 years or are a new graduate...

Or are an expert in multiple techniques...

Or just average Jane & Joe Public...

Whether you are in orthopedics, pediatrics, women's health, athletics, neuro or massage therapy...

I put this instant access online class together for 1 purpose:

By the end of the training, you will be able to get immediate results on yourself or patients using areas of the body you never knew were possible to use.

Do it on yourself and/or do it on patients - old, young, athletic, post op or preventative...

And get immediate "wow" results on the 1st session.

I'll gladly refund your money if your improvement is less than 50%.  

How many people are able to promise that dramatic of a change in 1 session? 

The path has been laid, all you have to do is walk the steps as they have been laid out.

I can't promise it will work on everyone, yet roughly 90% of people who attend & do the steps in the training achieve this improvement. And that is why I know I will help so many people with very few needing or wanting a refund.

"you Literally Delivered A 

$1,000 Seminar for $27"

"I'd never heard anyone explain it that way before."

"Thanks for putting so much in."


If i only taught you the first step in the 

total motion release formula...

This online class pays for itself 1724 times over...

But you're getting so much more than just the first step.

In fact, I'm so confident the content of this web class will be...

A game-changer for you...

That I'm going to give you the entire Total Motion Release Formula FOR... $27.

But first, let me give you some context.

Before you can use the TMR Formula to it's full potential... 

You must understand that...


This is the number one reason I struggled & stressed myself out so much prior to the TMR Formula.
I was over-treating my patients to the injured areas. 

I was using what was broken to try to fix what was broken.  

This was wasting their time and mine... and neither of us knew there was a different way.

I paid thousands of $$ taking seminars that suffered from the same "injured area" thinking. 

97% of the seminars teach this mantra.

Once I understood what my patient's body really wanted...

And proved it to them via the Total Motion Release Formula...

Patients got better faster.

2 1/2 times more patients finished their entire plan of care.

And so many patients came back the next session telling stories of how they fixed another painful area and even some even helped a family member get out of pain.

How crazy is that?

And it works wonders for those wanting a telehealth practice or want to create online courses to make extra revenue streams .

All because of one simple change:  

"I Stopped Doing What Everyone Else Was Doing."

You see, the biggest problem rehab professionals & the average Jane & Joe face...

The thing that's slamming the brakes on consistent results...

Is "too much treating to the injured area and too much treating into the motions that move poorly." If treating the injured area is going to work it will do so quickly. Yet if it still hasn't worked then stop hitting your head against the same wall.  

Your not to blame.

That's what is taught and seen throughout  healthcare.  Our entire culture thinks moving the injured area is going to improve the injured area.

And while that works in a limited number of situations... (only in 2 out of 9 tissues of the body)

It's NOT the best way to help a body heal. 


The way I prefer to do it... And it's far more effective... Is...


Cut through all the BS and...


  • Start testing the entire body prior to treating anything
  • Start treatment in the good areas of the body and into directions of motion that feel good.
  • Start re-testing every 2-3 sets and find out if what you are doing is actually working.
  • ​Stop using many techniques to try to help and instead use the essential few.
  • Start giving this new skillset to others so they too can help themselves.

Forget everything you thought you knew about pain relief...

In fact, stop treating the injured area for a while (give it a try)

Yummy motions first.

That's your only focus.


Go through the entire online class...

Implement the TMR Formula immediately on yourself.

The Fast Start TMR Formula

This is just a framework.

You can choose lots of motions that move well to treat with.


The patient has pain rotating to the right.

You can choose a motion that moves well in the legs...

Or in the trunk, or in the arms.

That's it.

It looks like nothing. 

But there is a lot of work that goes into it.

Now you could stop reading right now...

And go and try out the TMR concept yourself.

There is a strong possibility you would get results.

Even though I've barely given you 1% of what's in the online training.


Go through the entire training...


  • Orthopedic Conditions... spine, neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, hips, knees, feet, ankles & post surgical 
  • Neurological Conditions... cerebral palsy, strokes, parkinsons, MS, rett syndrome, to name just a few.
  • Acute Care, Skilled Nursing, Brain Trauma: any setting of rehab

Even if you are a new grad or been out for 30+ years and taken every other class. OR even if you have suffered with pain for years, had surgery or been to ton of specialists.

The TMR Formula is very likely to work in ways you never expected.

In fact, I am so confident it will work that if you watch & do the training within the next 14 days and it doesn't get your at least 50% better, I'll refund your money. Simply text me the form you filled out during the training.



I've invested in so many courses and web classes before that didn't work. How is yours any different? By now I hope this page with the videos and stories have shown you how it is different. If not go to youtube and search for Total Motion Release or go to our website And don't forget, I insist that you text me if you don't get everything you want out of the course.

For Clinicians

What settings does Total Motion Release work in?

We have therapists using TMR in every setting of rehab and TMR works great in each. From Telehealth, to orthopedic, neurological, pediatrics, acute care, skilled nursing & home health. The reason is is this is not a technique it is a methodology that can stand alone or be used to enhance results for any technique that is currently in rehab.

How effective is TMR for telehealth?

Yes. It is one of the best methods for getting results online even with complex conditions. I've been in the online world for over 15 years. You can see lots of proof videos of it working above, on a website (, and on youtube (search total motion release).

I'm a new grad... would this be good for me to take?

Yes. Total Motion Release should be one of the first things taught in our training because every technique can build off of it. It gives you a solid foundation of the scientific method that can be applied clinically.

How soon should I expect to be able to get results on my patients if I purchase the TMR web class?

I am going to teach you a formula that you will do on yourself during the web class and see it being done on everyone who attends. This same formula you can turn around and use it on your patients, family and friends immediately with some pretty cool results.

For General Public

What issues does Total Motion Release help?

It sounds like a cliche, but the same pains or issues you would go to see a physical therapist, chiropractor, athletic trainer, occupational therapist, massage therapist or orthopedic surgeon. For example, Back, Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand, Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot

How effective is TMR?

Approximately 90% of conditions will experience at least a 30% improvement on the initial treatment, yet most experience a 50% or greater improvement. Obviously, this is a very broad statement and some won't get improvement. Yet this information needs to be taught to everyone in elementary school... because it is that important and can have that profound of an effect. So much money, time and frustration could be avoided if TMR was known by everyone.

How long does it last?

You will find out during this online training that there is a reason this is the longest lasting treatment you can have. And one of the reasons is, is you are going to have the tools to change yourself.

Why aren't you charging more for this if it is so wonderful?

I definitely could. In this day and age of information overload, so many are promising the world and delivering very little... yet charing a ton. Just like TMR I wanted to do the opposite. I wanted to show you how well it works right away to build your trust that it is a real solution. And then hopefully with this profound improvement if you need more help you will get that help from us.

Our Top Seminars & Trainings

 TMR Intro Training

For Anyone



For Clinicians


Clinic Training

For Practice Owners


DIY Training

For General Public

What Clinicians & General Public Are Saying:

This stuff works.  I am able to confidently charge $250 an hour in my cash based clinic and guarantee improvement because of TMR. I have a website: and a book by the same name.  I found TMR after being a PT for nearly 17 years and this changed everything I thought I knew about pain relief.  It has revolutionized the way I treat. Thank you Tom!
- Dean Volk, PT
To say TMR has been life changing for me is an understatement. I am so glad I decided to implement this because now my entire staff is using it. I wake up every morning so excited not only to treat patients but to show it to referral sources. Heck we even got to be the PT for our local Arena football team because of showing a few of the players TMR. If you are an owner I could not recommend this more. 
- Beth Bone, PT
I was skeptical my staff wouldn’t like this. I must have talked to Tom 4 times telling him why this won’t work in my clinic. To my surprise after my staff completed the level 1 seminar I saw them starting to implement it. Now almost a month later my entire staff is using it. And it took little to no intervention on my part. And this is only the beginning. 
- Blayne Liparoto, PT 
"This is the real deal. You can use it right away to improve your outcomes. It is better than stuff I've paid thousands of dollars for."
- Jen Morlock, PT
I was planning on giving this 5 minutes ... I ended up taking all the seminars! This concept/methodology is the most practical I've come across in years. So much so I am now doing research on it."
- Ross Querry, PhD, PT Professor
"Absolutely blown away! It's INCREDIBLE having these exercises ready for me to use at will... thanks so so much!"
- Dan Garr, PT
As the author of several health books I am always looking for treatments that work & work quickly.  It was an added bonus that I entirely learned how to fix myself.  I've used this on back pain (twice), shoulder restriction and even knee pain.  And each time I was able to get back to normal in just a few do-it-yourself sessions.  Way cool! 
- Howard Jacobson. 

Author & Wellness Coach

I had a really weird gut pain going on.  My son had severe back pain for about 2 months and our friend had neck & shoulder issues.  In one 20 minute session around a pool, Tom showed us what to do to relieve our own pain.  Each one of us walked away pain free. I was blown away. I showed a friend who couldn't lift her shoulder up and with one motion she got full range. This stuff is unreal.
- Karen Scott. General Public
I am an ultramarathoner and had severe knee pain that stopped me from running.  I was starting to get depressed because it had been months since I had run.  My buddy Howard hooked me up with Tom and in one session my knee pain was reduced 90%. I fixed the rest all by myself.  As an ultra athlete TMR keeps me in the game. I love this stuff.
Josh Lajuanie, Ultramarathoner


Click On Images To View

Dean Volk, PT

Eileen Kopsaftis, PT

Troy Hoffman PT

Douglas Hoggatt PT

Tony Scott, MT

Cassie Baker, PT

Trent Corey, PT

Vondette Brinson, MT

Joey Raines, MT

Tracey Chriscoe, MT

Kim,  MT

Scott Gels, OT

Leanne Depa, PT

Iden warnock PT

Dan Garr, PT

Makkeda Rubin-Deloney, PT

Nuha Hasan, PT


De Witt, PT

 Michelle/ Patricia, MT

Philip Renoux, PT

Joe Ruzich, PT