More Treatments
Weird Yet Fast Elbow Pain Treatment...
Why you never knew about treating the non injured areas for faster results...
Watch as a professional boxer fixes his own hip issue...
this is why TMR is one of the longest lasting techniques...
Frozen Shoulders can be tough... try this!
this is what's included when you take a TMR seminar...
Watch This Spine Surgeon With Severe Back Pain Improve With A Chest Press...
This is why you are programmed to look & use the bad and not the good...
8 Years Post Stroke and Dexterity Still Improves...
This Video Will Tell You If it's better to take live online or home study...
How Is TMR Different Than Other Methods?...
this is who Tom dalonzo-Baker Is...
the founder of TMR
watch how 5 years of shoulder pain is relieved by trunk twists...
this is why our online training platform is the most innovative in our profession...
ever treat shoulder & arm pain like this? I bet you haven't...
this is the s#*T i went through bringing TMR out to the world...
Dislocated Shoulder? Watch how TMR helps fix an unstable shoulder...
this is when it's better to use total motion release than manual therapy...
Watch How shoulder impingement is treated with a twist...
this is why live online is better than a live seminar...
TMR works even on the guy at the front desk of a hotel with shoulder pain...
this is how i got patients and my staff to be awesome at fixing themselves...
Episode 34:
"That's crazy there's no way I could have done that"...
Episode 36:
this is one theory why treating the opposite side or good areas works so well...
Quickly fixing severe knee pain...
the 12 week tMR weight training experiment...
Weird yet fast severe rotator cuff tear treatment...
this will cause TMR to fail every time...
quick fix for SI Pain...
what to do for a trainwreck of a patient...
3 months post stroke with massive improvement...
best ever explanation of how TMR works...
here is how to TMR a press up...
these 2 motions explain all of pain relief...
how we used TMR with a swollen arm...
when treatment doesn't work do this...
Here's how we used TMR to help ankle pain...
you need to know how to make someone worse...
quick fix for acute wrist injury using total motion release...
here's one reason why it's important not to treat the area of injury...
massive changes with multiple people who all had different issues...
this explains how long any technique lasts...
Episode 64:
true tale of radical stroke healing...
Episode 65:
doug shares a story of fixing an elbow using ankle pumps...
Episode 66:
does TMR work on acute injuries?...
Episode 67:
TMR all began with this radical change...
Episode 68:
how TMR revolutionized Jeanette's practice during covid...
Episode 69:
how to fix a positive straight leg raise test...
Episode 70:
radical result on 88 year old with severe knee pain...
Episode 71:
how TMR provides patients with significant buy-in and hope...
Episode 72:
here is a different way to help join issues...
Episode 73:
here is the only way patients can get results now, later and forever...
Episode 74:
how nacole changed a 6 year old's extensor tone with TMR...
Episode 75:
how to switch from current treatment to TMR and gain patients trust...
Episode 76:
watch me fix lots of people at the same time with the same exercise...
Episode 77:
marian struggles with adjusting her mindset to treating the non-injured area...
Episode 78:
the catch 22 about pain killers and getting relief...